Here are a few of the ways we have spent time bicycling with the family in the last couple of months:
- Taking the kids to school and/or picking them up from school. We do this 2 to 4 times per week, and it is the primary way we use the bike. It’s a beautiful ride, and the morning ride home is often spent in the company of stuffed animals. Additionally, it is a good workout since it is about a 12-mile round-trip and takes about a half-hour in each direction. On a fancy road bike that distance might be quicker & easier, but certainly not with 2 kids plus school accessories!
- Stopping at our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) to pick up
our local farm share. We do this with the bicycle whenever the weather
allows it, even if we did not pick up the kids with the bucket bicycle
that day. It is worth taking the kids in the bike since it is just so
much darn fun getting our fresh, local, organic produce without using any
additional auto fuel. Plus, we get much better parking and plenty of
curious folks to talk with. Although it has rained a few times on our pick-up day,
we still frequently use the bicycle (with one or more kids) to come home
loaded up with fresh fruits, vegetables, and flowers. One day we rode
home with a little rain - no big deal.
- Going to the grocery store with or without kids. I went to the grocery store last week with the bucket bicycle to pick up a couple of gallons of milk plus a few additional “miscellaneous” items that we were missing at home. Total time of trip (including time in store) was about 45 minutes, for a 3.5 mile round trip. At the bike rack, a conversation was struck up discussing grocery transport by bike. At a stoplight, another biker said that I can probably carry "a lot of stuff in there”… I confirmed his statement, and went on to say I could carry 600 lbs. of random stuff, I just didn’t know where I could find 600 lbs of kids and groceries! This thing could haul 4 medium sized adults if you could fit them in the bucket.
- We also took a medium-length bike trip after school one day, including a picnic along the bike trail. We met some friends
(mom and her daughter) after school and explored a new section of bike
trail that we hadn’t experienced before. We set up a grill and cooked
hamburgers, ate picnic food, and played on a beautiful tree. After dinner we went for ice cream. Ice cream ended after 8pm, and it was already dark. We outfitted
ourselves with headlamps and blinking rear lights and proceeded home.
It took us over an hour to get home, but it was a new experience we
embraced. During the ride we rode through one fairly pedestrian-heavy section of bike path where someone yelled out "How Cool is That??!". It was fun for the kids riding around in the dark, until they got tired and quiet. Our daughter fell asleep, and put her head down on a bag in front of her. We encouraged our son to put his head down too, but he didn't feel comfortable doing that. The kids were quite tired at the end of it, and immediately
fell asleep as soon as their little heads hit the pillows at home. Still, it was a memorable event for us that we would gladly do again... just perhaps make the night ride a little shorter the next time (or give the kids some pillows and blankets in the bucket!).
- Stopping at a local bike shop to talk with the employees and
customers about the bucket bike, and checking out the bike accessories section. We ended up buying a bicycle bell with
a fake eyeball in the middle of it, and made some new friends. However,
one must be careful in bike shops with curious kids! The bike store
employee had to bungee cord a back wheel on one bike that the kids were
spinning and cranking. A hand or finger in the wrong place might make for a painful
ride to the local hospital’s emergency room.
- Dinner at a playground. This has happened a few times over the
past couple of months and was more of a spur-of-the-moment thing, but
it worked out great every time. We ended up packing our dinner and taking it to
the playground. We played, ate, then rode home. Great way to get out
the end-of-day wiggles.
- More random playground visits – we had a few more of these.
Excuse the somewhat fuzzy photo below, as it was taken near dusk. The
kids are now putting on their helmets by themselves, or helping each
other get them on. We find it fun to explore new playgrounds that we
haven’t been to before, or some that we see regularly but don’t always
have the time to visit.